Data Mesh Live 2025 - Program

Federated Computational Governance with AI

Data Mesh Live - Talk (50min)


Arif Wider and Dr. Simon Harrer

Arif WiderDr. Simon Harrer

The fourth pillar of Data Mesh, federated computational governance, is the hardest to implement as it must become easy to do the right thing and hard to do the wrong thing. Data governance is crucial for a successful data mesh implementation. Governance policies are written by governance people in prose, and often include texts from lawyers like the GDPR, privacy statements, license agreements, etc. We propose an approach using AI to implement federated computation governance by letting governance experts write policies in natural language, and AI to monitor their effectiveness against metadata. We show example use cases such as ensuring that fields are correctly marked as PII, coding guidelines are adhered to, and that when requesting access to data the purpose is verified. We present a partial implementation via the free self-hosted Community Edition of the Data Mesh Manager and OpenAI ChatGPT-4o. And we give an outlook on the future of data governance.

About Arif Wider

Arif Wider is a professor of software engineering in Berlin, Germany, and a principal technology consultant with Thoughtworks, where he served as Head of Data & AI before moving back to academia. As a vital part of his research, teaching, and consulting, he is passionate about distilling and distributing great ideas and concepts that emerge in the software engineering community. He therefore frequently speaks and writes about technology but enjoys nothing more than bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.

About Dr. Simon Harrer

Dr. Simon Harrer ist Senior Consultant bei INNOQ. Er ist Softwareentwickler im Herzen, der sich mittlerweile der dunklen Seite, nämlich der Welt der Daten, zugewandt hat. Er hat mit ins Leben gerufen und das Data Mesh Buch von Zhamak Dehghani ins Deutsche übersetzt. Aktuell entwickelt er ein für alle Data Mesh Initiativen hilfreiches SaaS-Produkt, den Data Mesh Manager (